Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yoga for Small Folk, Continued...

You may be asking "where's Yoga for Small Folk, post 1?" Or not...since you probably lead a full and rich lives with little time for such idle curiousity.

Fact of the matter, fall session of Alta Vista Kids Yoga was pure MADNESS, and it turned out to be delightful madness (thank you Laura) but note to my intrepid readers... do *not* offer a kids yoga class with no cap in mind as to your numbers. Or put simply... a mixed age kids yoga class with 40+ kids? Don't try this at home. Or anywhere, really.

That being said, with the help of the fabulous Ms. Laura, yoga goddess and friend, and the attrition down to a manageable number, we are now in Yoga for Small Folk, Winter Session and the fun has begun!

Learning #1. Talk less. Breath more. Kids are a natural at Follow the Leader and Simon Says. Once they know the poses, they flow in and out of them better with less talk. (Random thought: who is this *Simon* and why do they listen to him and not their mums?....Its positively Manchurian!)

Learning #2. Once you establish the safe basics (alignment of knees over ankes and strong base my two must do's) they will NEVER tire of inventing their own poses. Invariably their poses have more evocative names that the traditional names - ie horse pose -> "snowman" - can't you see it? and plow pose -> "sprung mousetrap"?)

Learning #3. Final relaxation is delicious for all ages. We give them a little lavender scented beanie baby for their eye pillow or "heart pillow" and they are in now hurry to leave.

Stay tuned for more fun from the Small Folk of Yoga....