Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Top 10 Yoga Poses....

I'm a big fan of lists (I really love December for its abundance of "top 10's".) In preparing for this week's yoga class, I decided to build the flow of the class to include my favorite poses, or asanas.

Should you wonder... here they are! (In English, but should you want Sanskrit/photos, follow the links for each pose to Yoga Journal online.)

1. Downward facing dog. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...Stretches shoulders, hamstrings, builds beautiful arms, relieves lower back tension.

2. Chair. Builds quad strength, promotes foot health, strengthens abs and knees (note: make sure weight is dropped back into heels or it can tweak knees... no no no!)

3. Forward Fold. Best done after chair for full pnf goodness! And definitely best done with softly bent knees to promote lower back stretching and tension release. And how I love the inversion benefits... feel the blood flowing up into my tired brain!

4. Lunge Pose. Builds leg strength, IT band flexibility, and lower ab toning. Also nice done with a twist. (if you, make sure you bring the weight slightly forward to allow the back to fully extend.)

5. Plow Pose. I love the intense compression sensations that accompany the intense inversion sensations. And its a great lower back stretch, coupled with putting restorative pressure on our shoulder blades.

6. Pigeon Pose. Like many yoga poses, uses the body's own weight to deepen a stretch in not one, but two! hard to stretch spots, over the IT Band and under the hip.

7. Tree Pose. Of all balance poses, this one really captures the lighter than air feeling. And it strengthens our feet (hooray) and makes my upper thighs look really thin!

8. Dancer Pose. Combining the best elements of the two above poses (IT band stretch, foot strength) and adds a lovely shoulder opening and a level of intensity. Perhaps the most beautiful of all balance poses.

9. Bound locust. While I frequently run out of time before getting to prone poses, this one is a winner for strengthening back muscles, and I think it feels especially good with hands interlaced to help open shoulders at same time.

10. Child's pose. What's not to love? (especially after locust pose) stretches and relaxes our wonderful backs. Especially delicious if you have a child willing to walk on your back (teacher tested up to 70 pounds.)

I could go on, and on... so many poses... so little time!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Shoreline Dirt Pile, Part 2

For those who read my earlier post about the joys of Dirt Piles at Shoreline Park... here's the photo to go with it.

I never see that look on their face while playing inside :-)